Exotic Materials...

      Chris McKenna has worked on many historical instruments, contributing to his interest and research into different materials. Each material has its own sound quality based on structure, density, weight and hardness.
      Glass instruments have long fascinated players, listeners and instrument makers. Claude Laurent, a French flutemaker, created crystal flutes for both Napoleon and King Louis XVIII. Richard Strauss wrote specifically for the crystal flute, which he considered highly superior for orchestral use.
      Laurent’s instruments were simple system flutes, similar to a recorder in design. Mr. McKenna has produced a modern Boehm design flute out of quartz crystal and sterling silver. The unique way in which it plays offers additional insight into the acoustics of the flute.
      Porcelain, while a vitreous material, has an open lattice structure that vibrates differently from crystal and therefore produces its own distinctive timbre. The piccolo and mouthpieces in porcelain produce a much woodier and softer quality of sound similar to instruments of the Baroque era.
      As the contemporary concept of flute playing continues to grow and change, many players are realizing that the different sound qualities they are looking for can be found in a variety of materials and designs.
      While McKenna Flutes is primarily a manufacturer of modern day concert flutes at reasonable prices, research continues to develop and expand in all facets of headjoint and flute making.